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by TexasCajun
Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:31 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 at Gun Shows
Replies: 81
Views: 15415

Re: 30.06 at Gun Shows

Most of the gun shows in Texas are the same bunch traveling from city to city. They either post 30.06 signs and have off-duty LEOs unloading & zip-tying guns or just have the off-duty LEOs doing their thing. The majority of these traveling circuses are held on municipal property, making their 30.06 signs unenforceable. If you carried past whatever setup they have and were discovered, I imagine that the most that would happen would be a ride to jail. I seriously doubt that a DA (even the most ardent anti-gun DA) would try to prosecute. After all, these guys live & die by their conviction rates.

All that being said, the whole process could be lengthy, time consuming, and would still cost at least a significant amount of money.

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