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by fireball
Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:34 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Do yall not see this?!?!?!?! ATF KNOCKING ON DOORS!
Replies: 24
Views: 2646

Re: Do yall not see this?!?!?!?! ATF KNOCKING ON DOORS!

Had co worker special order two P226 stainless elite in 9mm in January 2009 through the multi location local big box gun store in Houston and received said pistols in mid June. Apparently the big box gun store furnished info to feds of co workers purchase. In late June, ATF called co worker on phone to make an appointment to come by house to make sure co worker still had the two guns and was not a straw buyer for someone else. ATF agent was a female Houston police officer working under contract to ATF per my co worker. Agent/officer went by co worker s home at the appointed hour checked the serial number and identification of firearm and said thank you sorry for the inconvenience. It still pisses me off that obammy is pulling this kind of political ploy against our Second Amendment Rights.

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