Tom,tomdavis wrote:Thanks for the three points that describe the position of NRA/TSRA. What is the basic parameters of "constitutional carry" and why is it the ultimate goal? Likely when I know what it means the value will be obvious. Why is OC in a 30.06 area a step backward for us CHL's.
Sorry if those answers are somewhere as I did not find them.
“Constitutional Carry” is the ultimate goal because it is what the founders of this country intended before incremental steps have limited the carrying of arms to where we were prior to 1995, no carrying by anyone other than police and only in a vehicle when traveling, and travel was not defined. Constitutional Carry would be the restoration of the right to bear arms, anyone who can legally own a firearm can carry it, openly or concealed, as long as they do not break the law. Of course this is the ultimate goal allowing the most freedom.
We cannot have a bill that ties open carry to TPC 30.06 because the sign is for concealed carry. Businesses do not want to put up a big ugly sign to limit something people do not see, only the rabid anti-gun types even bother. However, open carry is clearly visible and many stores, shops, malls, restaurants, theaters, and other venues may not wish to have people openly carrying a pistol into their establishment. If the only way to limit openly carried pistols is to also limit concealed pistols than it is a loss for concealed carry. I personally would like to see a 30.07 sign so the rabid anti-gun folks have to put up two big ugly signs, but will settle for a gun buster of sufficient size. I would also like to see the penalty reduced to Class C Misdemeanor for not seeing a sign.