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by talltex
Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:38 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Deferred domestic
Replies: 33
Views: 4409

Re: Deferred domestic

ScottDLS wrote:The real issue here is the loss of firearms rights for convicted misdemeanants... Only DV counts in this case where as all other misdemeanors don't. Thanks Pres. Clinton & Senator Lautenberg. If a DV is so minor that it is only a misdemeanor, then it shouldn't count. There are plenty of felonies to charge people with if they are doing more than shouting.
:iagree: I've got a good friend that was a well respected long time businessman in a neighboring town. Had been married for 30 years and after the kids were grown and married they divorced. One of those situations where they had remained together for years just for the sake of the kids. He became involved with a woman 25 years younger a couple of years later. She was a disaster. She'd had two prior DWI's and about six months after she had moved in with him he found out she was using cocaine. He told her to get out of the house and she refused to do so. He called me and asked what to do and I advised him to get a restraining order on her and call the police to forcibly remove her. She found out what he was planning to do and that night as he was asleep on the couch she attacked him with a baseball bat. Luckily she was stumbling around and banged into the coffee table and he woke up as she was swinging the bat down and rolled to the side and took the blow on his shoulder and back instead of his face. He struggled with her and got the bat away wrestled her out of the house and locked the doors. She ran to a neighbors house and had them call the police saying he was trying to kill her. When they arrived he opened the door for them and told them what had happened and why. They could see the marks on his shoulder and back and he had a black eye where she had connected with an elbow as he was pushing her out of the house, but they told him that because they were called out and it was a DV situation, someone had to leave the house and it would have to be him just because that's the way it works. The next morning she filed assault charges on him and got a restraining order issued immediately to prevent him from returning to HIS house. She had bruises on her arms where he had drug her out of the house. He was arrested and charged. The DA told him it was going to be dropped to a misdemeanor charge and the simplest thing to do was just plead it and pay the fine. He did and now has a permanent record. The GF wound up going to prison 6 months after he finally got her removed from his house after getting busted for cocaine possession which violated her DWI probation. Sometimes, "justice" and the real world application of our laws do not go hand in hand.

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