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by Zylo_X
Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:57 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Fees for CHL classes TOO expensive!
Replies: 60
Views: 9537

Re: Fees for CHL classes TOO expensive!

polisci wrote:Dear Abby,

I should've posted this under my other topic, but I want fresh input and guidance. So please bear with me.

... I was considering charging people $40-$50 while holding large classes monthly.

Is this possible? if so, Why don't more instructors do this? (never-mind, it's for the money). If it is not possible, then why?

For the folks out there who are considering getting a CHL or a renewal, would a lower fee influence you or someone you know to get the CHL?

Struggling to understand in south TX.
While I appreciate your view, I would caution against biting at the hand that feeds so many. I would imagine that as 'the instructor', you could set your own rate, but I don't think the current rate itself is the 'prohibition' in the process. I'm sure that someone will be along shortly to cite the quote I'm about to butcher, but basically the problem is in the bureaucracy that regulates and taxes (or fee) a right. Oh so many moons ago, before the laws were 'updated' in Florida, it was practically free. As a vet, small business owner, and working as a 'private security consultant' :coolgleamA: , it literally cost more in time to make copies of paperwork to submit than anything else. By no means am I attempting to minimize the great responsibilities involved, but I ask why the disparity in processes between the exercise of a right (2A/CHL), and the pursuit of a priviledge (DL)?? IMHO, the driver's license has become the de facto ID card, but does not require at least the same standard of validation (or fee) as a CHL applicant, and has no direct relation to a constitutional right, WHY?? (rhetorical question). While most things may be better here in Tx than in 49 other places, as the 'outsider looking in' for the past year and a half, I've come to the conclusion that the next license plate slogan should be "TEXAS - We ain't as bad as California, yet." I see the slow incremental 'progress' that has happened since I was stationed in SA in 1988, and moved to DFW in 2010. -- End of rant. Sorry.
The short answer to your last question... NO. Based on conversations with several people at work, a lower instructor fee would not "influence" the decision to get the CHL, but it would certainly 'facilitate' it's acquisition. I've had conversations at length, and know of at least 6 people that were definately going to 'do it', but since October it is now 'maybe January', or 'after tax refund'.

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