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by jimlongley
Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:10 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5974

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

RockingRook wrote:Back when the 2nd Amendment was drafted they could not imagine the weaponry available today. I strongly believe
in the "right to bear arms" but I also think we have no right to bear tanks, howitzers etc etc.
Back when the 2nd Amendment was drafted, a certain recent event had to be prominent in the memories of those doing the drafting - That of Lt. Col. Francis Smith's attempt to seize certain cannon.

This makes me believe that even howitzers are protected, while tanks are merely armed vehicles, which carry arms that are protected.

But since you would draw the line there, why not shift it a little and eliminate all guns above .49 caliber, which would cover all cannon, right?
by jimlongley
Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:21 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5974

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

Poldark wrote:Patrick Ferguson killed at Kings Mountain his Breach loading rifle. Sure didn't pay to upset those Overmountain men , I just wonder how many would get out of their comfy sofa's watching America Idol or ball game to defend the Constitution,most seem to struggle to get to a voting booth ?" onclick=";return false;

A very good book to get hold of , Kings Mountain and its Heroes by Draper. I managed to purchase my copy during one of our visits to KM. Ferguson is burried under a rock pile with his lady friend Virginia Sal also killed at the battle. ... GRid=10227" onclick=";return false;

Excellent link to the Battle of Kings Mountain." onclick=";return false;
I "had" that book, and may have to get a new copy.

Supposedly a distant ancestor was a participant, but I have yet to find a positive match.
by jimlongley
Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:20 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5974

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

chasfm11 wrote:Thanks for correcting the flaws in my story, Jim. I got the important part right - that a leader who was the pride of the British army (and an accomplished gun designer if I'm remembering correctly) managed to turn a tactical advantage into a rout by himself. I shot myself in the foot by saying "well fortified" when I just should have left the "well" off.

My point was that discounting those who cling to their guns and religion is not always a good strategy.
Bit of a history buff myself, particularly "odd" battles.
by jimlongley
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:13 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5974

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

chasfm11 wrote:
lkd wrote:I'm not quite sure I'd buy into your 60% number. I'd honestly say you could expect something like 2% tops. It's one thing to shoot clay pigeons, paper targets, and steel plate. It's quite another to point it at somebody and be willing to stop them from doing something that it not directly related to defending your, or somebody else's, life. More specifically engaging in an act that is almost certain to destroy your life and possibly the well being of your family. More accurately, those 2% would have to create an effective and organized resistance using means that are not easily detected.

Far more difficult than you might imagine.
If you are a history buff, you might want to read the story of Kings Mountain. It was a battle in the Revolutionary War with the "Back Mountain Men" - a dis-organized group of squirrel hunters who took exception to the Britsh commander telling them that he was going to come and burn their houses down. The BMM,without any real leadership or training, attacked a well fortified British position and beat them with very limited loss of life to the attackers.

I do realize that with today's modern warfare, it would be hard for a small bunch of civilians to take on a combat trained army. Wait, wasn't that what happened in Iraq? My guess is that the use of the US military against US civilians would up the anty above the 2% range among the civilians. That's just a guess.
King's Mountain could hardly have been described as "well fortified" nor could a militia group led by five different colonels, including Sevier, Shelby, and Campbell, be described as lacking "real leadership". It is true, though, that as the battle progressed, each of the several militia groups did act independently of each of the others, which inadvertently contributed to Ferguson's defeat.

Furgeson, occupying the top of the mountain, had the position of advantage, but did not fortify because he had absolutely no idea he was surrounded, while the "Overmountain Men" were forced to charge uphill, not the most tactically sound manner of defeating the opposition. Furgeson's major error was in ordering bayonette charges down the hills at the mountain men, who, having learned about such things fighting against the Cherokee, merely ran away and took cover, and formed up to charge again.

The "disorganization" of the independent groups also led to a tactical advantage, as each group attacked and retreated on its own without coordination except for the original plan to surround the mountain. Of course most of Ferguson's troops were militia themselves and acquainted with the combat methods that the "disorganized" militia they were up against used, but they had a British central commander who insisted on doing it his way.

Similar examples abound, but should not be counted on to save our bacon if some idiot like that gets such an unconstitutional law passed.
by jimlongley
Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:37 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream
Replies: 63
Views: 5974

Re: The Disarming of America --a liberal's dream

The way I see it, his citation of "gun swept, gun free areas" is defective right from the start. Where would the most obvious place be to move your, now illicit, guns to? The recently swept area! Yes, the sweeps are supposed to be random and so on, but even doing it on a county by county basis, and accounting for independent municipalities, there are more than 2000 such in the US, so the likelyhood of a "resweep" would be slim, if not none, making the swept areas great places to move your guns to. And logistically some of the major metropolitan areas would require sweeps to be exponentially smaller on a geographical basis.

I envision a "Keystone Kops" or "Three Stooges" scenario with the gun cops raiding here right after the gun owners moved there, etc.

Some of those anti-rights types are just plain stupid.

I hope he has since been fired and confined to a mental institution.

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