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by mojo84
Fri May 19, 2017 10:55 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Flightmare wrote:Guys, please keep in mind there are still bills being discussed and there are antis that scan this forum looking for little tidbits that they can use to point out how rabid 2nd Amendment supporters are. Charles has pointed out there is alot going on that we may not know about. Now is DEFINITELY not the time to eat our own. Lets get thru this session, see where we stand, and go from there.
Nothing I've said here or in any other thread is going to have a negative impact on desired legislation this session.
by mojo84
Fri May 19, 2017 9:43 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

steveincowtown wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
steveincowtown wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Flightmare wrote:
steveincowtown wrote:
#2> The Lt. Gov. could very easily call a special session that focuses on on gun bills, if he weren't worrying about non issues.

The TxLeg this year was a joke. Plain and simple.
Only the Governor may call a special session.
Correct. However, facts rarely get in the way when engaged in unfounded ranting.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick threatened to push for a special legislative session to pass bills to regulate bathroom use for transgender Texans and set new thresholds for when cities and counties must get voter approval for tax rates. ... dont-move/

Dan Patrick sure acts like he can.....
There's a big difference between "push" for a special session and calling one.
Okey dokey....either way no one is "pushing" or "calling" for a special session to restore the gun rights they both seemed to represent when I pushed the button at election time. This Leg was a joke...and not a good one.
You do realize there are many issues with many voters wanting their issues addressed, don't you? I too am very disappointed in this session but stomping ones feet and hurling incorrect accusations isn't going to help. There is still time for people to push for a special session and the Governor to call one. However, I doubt very seriously if one is going to be seriously pushed for or called for unlicensed carry. I just don't believe there is the political will and capital to do it this session and get it passed.

The answer is going to be getting real strong primary candidates to run and beat the RINOS.
by mojo84
Fri May 19, 2017 9:20 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

steveincowtown wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Flightmare wrote:
steveincowtown wrote:
#2> The Lt. Gov. could very easily call a special session that focuses on on gun bills, if he weren't worrying about non issues.

The TxLeg this year was a joke. Plain and simple.
Only the Governor may call a special session.
Correct. However, facts rarely get in the way when engaged in unfounded ranting.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick threatened to push for a special legislative session to pass bills to regulate bathroom use for transgender Texans and set new thresholds for when cities and counties must get voter approval for tax rates. ... dont-move/

Dan Patrick sure acts like he can.....
There's a big difference between "push" for a special session and calling one.
by mojo84
Fri May 19, 2017 8:15 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

steveincowtown wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
I pray changes in processwe and procedures will be made. Whether the current leges is in session or not, the system is broke and needs fixin'. That's a fact regardless who's feelings it hurts.

I would have never, ever, voted for Abbott or Patrick if I had know this would be how things would turn out. And before your say this folks have no power let me remind you have two things.

#1> If the Governor says "I expect to see Constitutional Carry" on my desk this session it shines a bright spotlight on the Roach Rinos that they cannot escape by playing legislative games.

#2> The Lt. Gov. could very easily call a special session that focuses on on gun bills, if he weren't worrying about non issues.

The TxLeg this year was a joke. Plain and simple.
I think your ire is misdirected. The speaker of the house and his cronies are the bottleneck. The Governor and Lt. Gov. are good guys and on the right side of the large majority issues. This doesn't mean they will do everything the way each of us wants and we'll disagree with some of their positions but they are strong teammates.

It's the house leadership and his cronies that hurt conservative legislation.
by mojo84
Fri May 19, 2017 1:54 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Papa_Tiger wrote:Fascinating read on some of what is going on in the Capitol this session:

Yes it comes from the liberal rag of the Statesman, but there are some very interesting insights, particularly from the Mexican American Legislative Caucus and others.

You can bet that there will be changes in the way things are done next legislative session.
I pray for changes in processes and procedures will be made. Whether the current lege is in session or not, the system is broke and needs fixin'. That's a fact regardless who's feelings it hurts.
by mojo84
Sat May 13, 2017 9:30 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

I agree parabellum. However, I think each issue should be dealt with independently. Republicans stooping to democrat tactics is not the right answer. Changing the system in order to minimize abuse and exploitation is the better answer.

The current system needs to be tweaked. The answer is more transparency which will lead to more accountability.
by mojo84
Fri May 12, 2017 8:12 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

This discusses how the legislators hide their true positions behind the committees and calendars. ... ervatives/
by mojo84
Fri May 12, 2017 6:14 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

With all due respect and appreciation for the efforts of the insiders that have accomplished a lot in the way of improving our laws. This thread has become a perfect example of why republicans struggle even when we have the majority and control the various branches of government. Republicans are too quick and willing to eat their own.

The giant pink elephant in the room is the same whether the legislature is in session or not. It's not the true conservatives and republicans in the house and senate that are the problem. It is the RINOS and Dems that oppose conservative legislation that supports Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If an inordinate amount of power wasn't concentrated in one position that is controlled by a RINO, there's a good chance we wouldn't be in such a position where frustrations are at a level that we are scolding each other like they are children or fighting among ourselves while we achieve less results than we all want. Maybe the real fight should be to get real conservative republicans in office and positions of power so we do not have such formidable barriers and obstacles to getting our gun legislation at least to the floor where it can be debated and voted on so we can see where OUR REPRESENTATIVES really stand on the issues we hold dear. As it is done now, we do not really know where they stand on the issues and too much is done behind the scenes where us mere voters and taxpayers aren't privy to what is really going on. It also doesn't help for us to be told how we should have confidence in the insiders and to just trust what is being done and then little gets done.

Bottom line, there is too little tranparency and too much backroom dealings that happen just to be told be content with what you get because that is the best that can be done. Whether the lege is in session or not, we need to make changes to how things are done and there needs to be more transparency. If this were to happen, I bet money people would be much less surprised and frustrated and we could have a much better informed voter.

None of this is meant to be supportive of a "firebrand" approach as I have never advocated that and never will. However, I do believe in calling a spade a spade and a RINO a RINO. Legislators need to be able to be held accountable to their constituents on all issues.

We need to stop creating an environment where the liberal leftwingers win even when they lose.
by mojo84
Thu May 11, 2017 5:00 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

thechl wrote:The key is to get rid of strauss. But that has to happen in his San Antonio district, because he'll keep being elected as Speaker as long as he's sent to the Legislature. And since he's so loved by the rino's in his district, the only way to defeat him is to vote for the democrat there who runs against him. I know TAM is against that idea (he spanked me publicly the last time I mentioned it) but it's the only way. Sure, we'll give up one republicans seat in the House, but it will pave the way for a real republican to become Speaker! That Speaker will then appoint a more favorable Calendars. Then the republicans in that San Antonio can vote in a new republican in the following election.

Good idea, I think. ;^>

He has so many wealthy cronies it's going to be hard to get someone else elected. It's going to take a really strong primary candidate that is able to make the voters in Straus' district realize what a sham he is running and the grass roots will have to overcome and offset the wealthy cronies that benefit from Straus being in power.

Straus has done a masterful job of hiding his skeletons and how he engenders the "right" people to support and vote for him. Too many wealthy people are getting richer from Straus being in office.
by mojo84
Thu May 11, 2017 4:54 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Here is some insight on how the dems and RINOS try to sneak things in by avoiding the regular Calendar's committee and floor debate. ... orruption/
by mojo84
Thu May 11, 2017 9:39 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 90639

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Liberty wrote:
Beiruty wrote: I will not mince words anymore.
This is how politicians screw you up! Why in the world the GOP elected representatives of us, the people, with supermajority in the 3 branches of the Texas government are "COWARDS".

I did not care about 1911, but I cared a lot about the HB 560.
TSRA/NRA has to re-form their endorsements and rating of the nominees for elections.

All we got this year, $6 yearly rebate on our LTC fees.
The problem is these bills are destroyed anonymously. The lowest form of cowardness. We don't know who killed these bills. It's very difficult to hold them accountable.
It starts at the top with Joe Straus. There is too much power concentrated in the speaker of the house position and he is the epitome of a RINO.

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