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by mojo84
Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:00 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

allisji wrote:
nightmare69 wrote:Wife and I voted Saturday morning. About a 15min wait due to only 3 machines. When will they ever get touch screen machines? The selector wheel isn't the easiest gadget to use and it just seems ignorant not to use the same style technology that most people have in their pocket.
I like the selector wheel. My opinion is that the touch screens would very quickly become a fiasco, if not in the first voting cycle, then next time after they've been used, abused, locked up and stored for a couple years, then rolled back out to be used and abused again.

If you've ever tried using a bad touch screen it can be infuriating.
We've used them in Kendall County for some time now without a problem.
by mojo84
Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:13 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

I used my DL and it was no big deal. Moved right along and took care of bidness. Wasn't there to prove a point about LTC being valid as ID.
by mojo84
Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:14 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

Liberty wrote:
mojo84 wrote: Dude, I've read it. It's still protectionism. Lowering the cost of doing business here and letting the free market work would be better.
There is only one candidate who is unconditionally pro 2nd amendment, anti- protectionist and has never bought congressional members only one candidate that has successfully served the people who elected him. People won't vote for him because he doesn't stand a chance. He doesn't stand a chance because people won't vote for other than what the establishment says.
Yeah, but he has other negatives many won't accept. I can't vote for him.
by mojo84
Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:20 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

drjoker wrote:Dude, it's not protectionism. It's a THREAT to GM to prevent them from closing any more American factories and outsourcing jobs to Mexico. Please read, "The Art of the Deal," by Trump.

Yes, I agree, reducing taxes will improve the economy. Here is a video of Clinton saying that she wants to RAISE TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS:
mojo84 wrote:
drjoker wrote:Yup. I would've been more than happy to vote for Sanders over Trump because Sanders is pro 2nd-A (as much as a liberal can be) and he is not a misogynist nor a possible racist. However, the media has been very unfair to Trump. I reviewed his supposed comment saying Mexicans are racists and it is not true but taken out of context: He pointed out to his Mexican audience that he does not mean "you" and "you" when saying that "some" (not all) Mexicans that Mexico sends us (not the ones that run across the border of their own accord. The Government of Mexico sends these people to us) are rapists and criminals. He might be a misogynist or it could be just a bit of locker room machismo.

However, Sanders is NOT on the ballot but Trump is.

I dislike Trump. I think he has verbal diarrhoea. However, I will vote for him. Why? For the first time in modern history, we have a candidate who is PRO AMERICAN AND POPULIST. He told GM that he'd raise a 35% tax on GM cars built in Mexico if they shut down any more American factories. NO POLITICIAN REPUBLICAN NOR DEMOCRAT HAS EVER DARED SAY THIS.

A vote for Trump is a vote for America the beautiful. A vote for Hillary is a vote for globalist corporations, biased mass media, corrupt politicians, and foreign influence, wall street and everyone else who has milked the middle class dry. If you have $1000 in your piggy bank, give 1/2 of it to the Trump campaign NOW or America will no longer be America. Globalists have given the Hillary campaign 500 million directly and many more billions indirectly via social engineering movies, other media, and super PACs. I invite you ACT NOW. God bless America.

Who do you think pays the 35% import tax? Do you think the president has the power to establish an import tax targeting certain companies? There are plenty other reasons to vote Trump but those aren't the best because he has little chance getting such an import tax passed.

Protectionism isn't the answer. The answer is reduce corporate taxes and the cost of doing business in the United States so we can compete with other countries. As a business owner, taxes, regulations and government mandates are about to drive me out of business.
Dude, I've read it. It's still protectionism. Lowering the cost of doing business here and letting the free market work would be better.
by mojo84
Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:30 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
infoman wrote:. . . I support strict gun laws, but I also know (100% know) that Texas will continue to have an LTC & nothing will change that.
I know you wrote that you have an LTC, but the above-quoted statement makes it appear that you would prefer that the LTC law be repealed and Texans not be able to carry handguns. Is that your opinion?


He's not much for responding to legitimate questions.
by mojo84
Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:22 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

drjoker wrote:Yup. I would've been more than happy to vote for Sanders over Trump because Sanders is pro 2nd-A (as much as a liberal can be) and he is not a misogynist nor a possible racist. However, the media has been very unfair to Trump. I reviewed his supposed comment saying Mexicans are racists and it is not true but taken out of context: He pointed out to his Mexican audience that he does not mean "you" and "you" when saying that "some" (not all) Mexicans that Mexico sends us (not the ones that run across the border of their own accord. The Government of Mexico sends these people to us) are rapists and criminals. He might be a misogynist or it could be just a bit of locker room machismo.

However, Sanders is NOT on the ballot but Trump is.

I dislike Trump. I think he has verbal diarrhoea. However, I will vote for him. Why? For the first time in modern history, we have a candidate who is PRO AMERICAN AND POPULIST. He told GM that he'd raise a 35% tax on GM cars built in Mexico if they shut down any more American factories. NO POLITICIAN REPUBLICAN NOR DEMOCRAT HAS EVER DARED SAY THIS.

A vote for Trump is a vote for America the beautiful. A vote for Hillary is a vote for globalist corporations, biased mass media, corrupt politicians, and foreign influence, wall street and everyone else who has milked the middle class dry. If you have $1000 in your piggy bank, give 1/2 of it to the Trump campaign NOW or America will no longer be America. Globalists have given the Hillary campaign 500 million directly and many more billions indirectly via social engineering movies, other media, and super PACs. I invite you ACT NOW. God bless America.

Who do you think pays the 35% import tax? Do you think the president has the power to establish an import tax targeting certain companies? There are plenty other reasons to vote Trump but those aren't the best because he has little chance getting such an import tax passed.

Protectionism isn't the answer. The answer is reduce corporate taxes and the cost of doing business in the United States so we can compete with other countries. As a business owner, taxes, regulations and government mandates are about to drive me out of business.
by mojo84
Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:45 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

Here is some inside baseball on Hillary's position regarding guns. This, like many of her positions, seems to have two versions, the public version and the private version.
- I was very proud of the President this week making a powerful statement about the urgent need to end the epidemic of gun violence in America. His new executive actions include steps that I’ve advocated for throughout this campaign. We are losing 90 people a day to gun violence, so the President is right: this is a national crisis. And, as he said, voters should not support any candidate who does not support common-sense gun reform.
- Democrats have a real choice here, because standing up to the gun lobby is a big difference between Senator Sanders and myself. The Brady Bill has kept 2 million guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them -- Senator Sanders voted against it five times. But that may not be his worst vote on gun safety.
- Ten years ago, gun safety advocates wanted to take gun makers and sellers to court for their reckless disregard for human life. If an auto company sells an unsafe car, you can sue them. Unsafe food, unsafe tools, unsafe toys – the makers can all be sued. So the NRA wrote a bill that said, “No one can sue a gun maker or a gun seller.”
- The bill came before Congress. The pressure was intense. *The head of the NRA called the vote “the most significant piece of pro-gun legislation in twenty years.” And when it really mattered, Senator Sanders voted with the gun lobby and I voted against the gun lobby. *
- I would certainly understand if Senator Sanders would just stand up and say, “I got this one wrong. I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” But he hasn’t. He’s defended his vote time and again. He’s said he would “consider” some changes to the law – but that was almost 90 days ago – and where are the changes? - And so, *go back to what President Obama said – guns should be a voting issue. And Senator Sanders has been wrong on gun safety and wrong on the leading cause of death for young people in our country. So that’s a clear choice for Democrats in this primary.*

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Jake Sullivan <> wrote: And if he is teeing this up to get right on immunity, I might change the last bullet. - And so, go back to what President Obama said – GUNS SHOULD BE A VOTING ISSUE. AND Senator Sanders HAS BEEN wrong on gun safety AND wrong on the leading cause of death for young people in our country. AND VOTERS NEED TO WEIGH THAT.
So, in essence, they want to ignore the 2nd Amendment and put gun ownership up to the voters. We know there would never be any manipulation and illegal voting activities involved in that vote. :banghead:
by mojo84
Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:59 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

infoman wrote:Everyone will say I'm a troll, but I'm voting democrat. I've been a proud member of this forum since 2009 & hope to continue a long time to come. I have an LTC & have a good friend that works for DPS, also my stepdad was an instructor until recently. I don't particularly care for either candidate & I think there were much better candidates in the primaries. But, I do lean left & I do think we're better off with her vs Trump. I support strict gun laws, but I also know (100% know) that Texas will continue to have an LTC & nothing will change that. The 2nd amendment will never be "done away with", No president is history has or ever will do away with the 2nd amendment. that's my 2 cents. Bash away at me.
I'll ask you the question again that you ignored in the other threads. ... 0#p1112810 ... &start=120 . ... 5&start=45

Beyond just saying "she is the one best qualified for the job", specifically what accomplishments and policy positions make her your preferred candidate?

What has she done or what positions, specifically, makes her your preferred choice?
by mojo84
Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:57 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: I voted!
Replies: 125
Views: 30399

Re: I voted!

Spoke to a lady yesterday that is going to vote for Trump. Neither candidate is one she would choose if She could hand pick a president. She said she chooses the candidate with 11 women "claiming" they've been sexually molested many years ago over the woman that supports the killing of 50,000,000+ babies.

She isn't a gun enthusiast and said the 2nd didn't play into her decision-making.

I think she made a good point.

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