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by mojo84
Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs
Replies: 60
Views: 13298

Re: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs

glockenhand wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
glockenhand wrote:Blaming a single entity or person demonstrates something else entirely and it ain't good.
Coming to the defense of the person/entity that have caused Texas gun owners problems while issuing veiled insults to those who opposed those destructive tactics demonstrates much more. Don't do it again. Your goal is to stifle criticism of OCT and/or Grisham and that's not going to happen.

Charles, I don't know what your overt threat in "Don't do it again" is suppose to mean. I have not done anything wrong. I have worked in corporate security for the past 25 years. While things have definitely changed in that time, most of our thought processes have not. I have officed out of New York, Arizona and now Texas. In each case we follow the same criteria in determining any local or regional site codes we must follow. We begin with federal law, then state and local law. Once that matrix is compiled, legal interprets the code. After that process risk management is consulted. Other variables do come into play as well, but I assure you that local politics do not. It is a monies game pure and simple. I have heard of OCT and/or Grisham. I have even heard of you Charles. Some good...some not. However, I assure you that our decision to post 30.06 & 30.07 at our Texas sites has nothing to do with local issues you've descrived. Truth is, from a risk perspective we don't like anyone that we don't employ to enter our premises with a firearm and that includes local law enforcement (off duty) or armed civilians.
Now Charles ( both of you I guess), I don't fully understand the rift between you and the entities you've mention. I can however recognize intolerance and around here at least on the surface, it feels rampant. I could be wrong and I hope I am. But never in my life would I dream of speaking to anyone in a manner as those here have done to me.

re: obamacare, no one likes it it. It is a badly written law that attempts to solve an issue it wasn't designed to solve. However, it was amusing to hear legal gripe about interpreting it. Anyone who voted for it I hold accountable. As I understand it, dems from around Hillary Clinton's time were/are the real architects of it. Obama just penned it.
That's great and all but big company people lose sight of the fact that the majority of businesses out there are not large corporations with c-suites, committees, legal and risk management departments. In fact, the large majority of businesses in the United States are classified as small businesses. Therecore, they are far more likely to be swayed and effected by local politics, trends and noise. The view from the large corporate perspective can prove very myopic when trying to view the universe of business.

By the way, based on my time working for and with large corporations, I've seen plenty of poor decisions made in spite of all the c-suite occupants, committees, risk management and legal gurus. I'm not impressed.
by mojo84
Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:34 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs
Replies: 60
Views: 13298

Re: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs

Charlies.Contingency wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
Charlies.Contingency wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
XDgal wrote:What is cruelly ironic is, neither 30.06 or 30.07 have any barring on the carry of long guns. It is still legal to carry those into businesses. They can be asked to leave and if they don't, they will face a trespassing charge, but the signs won't stop them from entering.

A regular no firearms sign applies to the carry of rifles into business.
Does a gunbuster have legal grounds for rifles? I'm not aware of it being legal notice.
It's my understanding they do. Why would they not?
I don't recall anything in the penal code, quoting you are trespassing with a firearm if there is a sign saying no guns. Acts just like a place with no signs in regard to open carry of a handgun. If you get notice to leave, then you must leave.
The sign is the notice. Nothing in the penal code says how notice has to be given to non-CHL's or regarding rifles, just that is has to be given. Their wasn't a requirement for a 30.06 and 30.07 sign until the legislature decided there needed to be specific signage that conveyed proper notice.
by mojo84
Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:22 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs
Replies: 60
Views: 13298

Re: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs

Charlies.Contingency wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
XDgal wrote:What is cruelly ironic is, neither 30.06 or 30.07 have any barring on the carry of long guns. It is still legal to carry those into businesses. They can be asked to leave and if they don't, they will face a trespassing charge, but the signs won't stop them from entering.

A regular no firearms sign applies to the carry of rifles into business.
Does a gunbuster have legal grounds for rifles? I'm not aware of it being legal notice.
It's my understanding they do. Why would they not?
by mojo84
Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:44 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs
Replies: 60
Views: 13298

Re: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs

XDgal wrote:What is cruelly ironic is, neither 30.06 or 30.07 have any barring on the carry of long guns. It is still legal to carry those into businesses. They can be asked to leave and if they don't, they will face a trespassing charge, but the signs won't stop them from entering.

A regular no firearms sign applies to the carry of rifles into business.
by mojo84
Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:14 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs
Replies: 60
Views: 13298

Re: Some places aren't wasting any time on the 30.07 signs

Now and in the near future we will see the rotten fruits of OCT's actions.

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