9mmboy wrote:Too many people trying to play robo-cop. A lot of CHL holders think the plastic puts them at the same level as LEO's. WRONG! Unless you or a loved one is being harmed, STAY OUT OF IT. Joe Horn was lucky, you might not bemojo84 wrote:A person can intervene and help stop the ongoing assault without automatically starting to shoot. You can "what if" any situation you want. The goal should be to stop the assault and let the cops sort things out and determine who's who.
Common sense and judicious use of force and deadly force is recommended.
Helping someone in need has nothing to do with a CHL or being RoboCop.
Tell me this, your grandmother is being attacked by a much younger heavy woman and you have no issue with a 275 pound guy doing nothing to help her and you have not problem with that?
What if some guy grabbed your daughter on the playground and starts dragging her toward a van while everyone just watches. You OK with that?
There have been millions that have helped others and there were no negative ramifications.